- We, therefore, follow a strict refund policy on agreed terms, we urge you to read and understand our policy before purchasing the product.
- The products that you can see on our website are fully-functional. There is a demo available on the site, before you take any decision regarding the application please to take a look at the DEMO. The demo is to help you figure out what you want and how we can provide it to you. You can fully evaluate the product before making the decision to purchase it.
- Please take a look at the DEMO and make sure that the software/script meet your needs before heading towards getting a license. Our software is fully-functional during the trial period. We do not require registration to enable its functions.
- Once you’ve purchased the product and transferred the money to us, on receiving the amount we will send you an invoice. Once this is through, there will be no refund given. We urge you to take a look at the DEMO before buying our product as we will not provide a refund once the transfer is done.
- Our support staff will be available to walk you through the installation and configuration process. We will help you and guide you till you are up on your feet and ready to fly. It is your responsibility to read and understand the terms and conditions of this policy, by purchasing the product you are agreeing to it.
- Please do take a look at the DEMO, if you are confident get in touch with us for further details. A reminder: you will not be entitled to a refund of any fees you paid to us if you are canceling your purchase.